Friday, March 9, 2012

My parents
You know they are the ones
who keep me living
because only they would
grieve for me to the point of death.

No person should have to
suffer the loss of a child
even though I haven't
seen youth for quite awhile.  

I tried to align myself
with others who would love me --
but their love was only a gain
a joke -- for them -- no bargain
for me, so when winter comes

I walk alone in the cold
crying because it hurt so much
I could not stop it.

They are only there as much
as their feebleness allows.
I want them to be like they were
when their hair was dark
their backs were straight
and their hands were steady.

I want them to have full and complete
memory of me.  Only they know my beginning.

The lady at the bank
said she is just praying to die--
How well I understand this!

Mom and dad are the only anchor
that hold me fast to earth.
And even though the tether is long,
long enough for a whole country
I always manage to come home.

Right now the pain is so strong
that I want to be gone.
I want to know if the promised land
is true, and real and beautiful
and forever. I want to know if
I am young again, and slender
with long flowing hair
riding big horses under the stars.

If they were gone I would fly free.
But they are the darlings of my heart
and they are the rock to which I am moored,
the calm to my driving storm
 the meal on the longest night,
the extra blanket on the bed
and the chocolate cake for desert.

I am the lost ship, so far out
I cannot see the beacon.
Somehow I manage to get to the shore
but it isn't long before I am thrust out
into the deepest of wave again.
The rolling turmoil of my soul
more violent than the increasing tide.

Don't worry momma. For as long
as you live and breathe I will
stand beside you. You bathed me
and clothed me. I will do the same for you.
In this vast world, end to end invisible
you are the root, the place on which I stand.
But when the earthquake finally comes
I will be carried out in the tsunami.

The world is far too big to be alone in.
Honestly, do I really ask for much?
I don't need a spectacular life.
Just one that isn't frantic
or on the edge of disaster
again - and again - and again.
My ship is crumbling from
the increasing strength of the storm.

 If I am going to be left
old, destitute, cold
and alone, please promise
one thing, that I die
before the worst of it comes
and when I die, please send
one to hold my hand for as long as it takes
to let me slip into eternity.

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