Sunday, February 5, 2012

A spring thunderstorm --

Rushing water --

The first sound of bird song --

Wind blowing through the trees --

Children playing --

Frogs in the pond --

Night sounds --

Long lonesome whistle of a distant train --

These are the melodies of silence.

A deep breath to take in the air after the rain --

First scent of lilacs --

Misty fragrance of a wooded path --

Damp autumn leaves --

Fresh cut hay --

This is the sweetest perfume.

Soft moss for a bed --

Leaves for a pillow --

Mud squishing through toes --

Warm summer  grass --

Early spring morning --

These are the weavings of the finest fabric.

Fresh strawberries --

Homemade ice cream ---

Corn on the cob --

Biggest, ripest tomato EVER --

First bite into a soft peach --

Jam from homegrown grapes--

On Grandma's home baked bread--

This is the purest delicacy. 

Think about the things that are dear to you from your present or from your past and how they affect your life today. Sometimes we do not know how much we have been influenced by something from the past, be it good or bad, until there is a memory flash or an event that sparks it. Then suddenly we are overwhelmed by the things of the past that seem to crash in like waves against the shore of our memories. Just a smell or a snippet of color or a glimpse of something can open up your mind to the panorama of your past.

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